Colors of Nickel Coordination Complexes
- 1.5 liter Erlenmeyer Flask with Stir Bar and Rubber Stopper
- Magnetic Stir Plate
- DI Water
- Gloves and Goggles
- Premeasured solutions:
40 mL Nickle Nitrate
80 mL 5M Ammonium Hydroxide
40 mL 25% Ethylene Diamine Solution
50 mL 1% Dimethylglyoxime Solution
400 mL 1M Potassium Cyanide
- Place a 1500ml flask containing about 500ml distilled water and a stirring bar on a magnetic stirrer and adjust stirring rate.
Add solutions in sequence and listen for oohs and aahs from the audience.
- Add 1M Ni(NO3)2 , turns green.
- Add 5M NH3, turns blue.
- Add 25% ethylenediamene solution, turns purple.
- Add 1% dimethylglyoxime solution, turns red.
- Add 1M KCN, turns orange.
- Wait for applause
Ni(H2O)62+ (aq) + 6NH3 (aq) -> Ni(NH3)62+ (aq) + 6H2O
K(eq) = 1.2 x 109
Ni(NH3)62+ (aq) + 2etdm(aq) -> Ni(etdm)32+ (aq) + 6NH3 (aq)
K(eq) = 1.1 x 109
Ni(etdm)32+ (aq) + 2dmg(aq) -> Ni(dmg)2 (aq) + 3etdm(aq) + 2H+ (aq)
K(eq) = 1.3 x 10-1
Ni(etdm)32+ (aq) + 2dmg(aq) -> Ni(dmg)2 (s) + 3etdm(aq) + 2H+ (aq)
K(eq) = 1.35 x 105
Ni(dmg)2 (s) + 4 CN- (aq) -> Ni(CN)4-2 (aq) + 2 dmg- (aq)
K(eq) = 6.3 x 107