Lab Student Safety Education & Safety Exam
EFFECTIVE FALL 2022: Students who do not pass the Lab Safety Exam by the start of the first scheduled lab session will be administratively dropped from the course with a grade of "W".
Students planning to work in a chemistry laboratory need to learn basic safety principles before beginning. During laboratory work (as a student and as a professional) each person is expected to know:
- general laboratory and life safety principles,
- specific laboratory policies and procedures for each lab or work area
- the hazards of the materials in use.
The materials mentioned below provide tools needed to learn these topics. Specific instructions for instruments and equipment are taught in class as new topics and instruments are introduced. Rules that are specific to an individual class are published in the syllabus for that class.
Each laboratory student in Chemistry & Biochemistry (CHEM) is responsible for learning the basics of laboratory & life safety, including
- life safety issues,
- hazard recognition,
- risk assessment,
- hazardous materials management/storage and
- emergency response.
Our safety education program presents reading materials, video presentations and personal contacts to assist students. Additional assistance is available, as requested by students. We guide the student to:
- Rrecognize hazards,
- Aassess the risk of those hazards,
- Mminimize, manage, or control those hazards, and
- Prepair to respond to emergencies.
The R-A-M-P acronym helps us remember the process for managing our exposures to hazards.
Our Laboratory Rules cover items specific to our facilities, including our rules for clothing and shoes, safety eye protection and lab coats, laboratory glove use and moving chemicals between labs. Please note these items in particular:
- Long PANTS (or their equivalent) are required to protect from splash contamination. Make sure you have at least one pair of pants with substantial air space between the fabric and your skin – especially below the knee. Other questions about what is “equivalent” should be referred to the Teaching Labs Manager.
- Closed SHOES that cover the whole foot and protect from spills and broken glass are required. Please note: open shoes that leave the top of the foot exposed (such as loafers and ballet flats) are not allowed. Absorbent materials, such as canvas, are discouraged (and forbidden in some classes – see your class syllabus).
- Chemical splash goggles are the default eye protection for the CHEM Teaching Labs.They are needed in all labs and are the ONLY eye protection allowed in introductory lab classes. See the STUDY GUIDE for details and to help distinguish between goggles and safety glasses.
- Lab coats are required in all labs: purchase a long-sleeve, knee-length coat that can be worn fully buttoned while sitting. Clothing must not extend beyond the coat sleeves.
- Headphones & ear buds are forbidden in all labs, as they may interfere with instructions, alarms or warnings.
- Arrive prepared to work on Day 1 of lab: dress for lab work (pants, shoes); bring your lab coat, chemical splash goggles, notebook and pen. Lab coats and goggles are available in the campus Bookstore and via the ACS student affiliates sale at the start of each quarter.
LAB AND LIFE SAFETY EXPECTATIONS: This document outlines some items you are EXPECTED TO KNOW BEFORE BEGINNING LAB. If your previous experience has not covered these topics, learn them now. Some basic RULES & TECHNIQUES that build on these expectations are included.
LABORATORY RULES include items specific to the CHEM Teaching Laboratories. Other labs and other institutions have different rules and policies. Always be sure to look for local laboratory policies when you start in a new lab.
LABORATORY SAFETY FOR CHEMISTRY STUDENTS is available to all students via the UC San Diego Libraries -- click on the book title for information on library collection and other links to the textbook. Each chapter presents introductory and intermediate readings on a specific topic. Some chapters include advanced materials as well.
STUDY GUIDE: Student Preparation for CHEM Lab provides our Teaching Laboratory policies. It coordinates with LABORATORY SAFETY FOR CHEMISTRY STUDENTS. Other labs and other institutions have different rules and policies, so always be sure to check a local source when you start in a new lab.
PRUDENT PRACTICES IN THE LABORATORY: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards is a professional-level guide to working safely in laboratories; available on-line.
Students Entering CHEM 7L or CHEM 7LM
Introductory chemistry lab courses are about learning the skills and knowledge needed to work safely and efficiently. We expect that a student without lab work experience will have some knowledge of common hazards, but not a lot of details about lab safety.
- LAB AND LIFE SAFETY EXPECTATIONS: You are EXPECTED TO KNOW these items before beginning a lab course. If your previous experience has not covered these topics, learn them now. Some basic RULES & TECHNIQUES that build on these expectations are included.
- Read and learn our Laboratory Rules.
- Review the structure of LABORATORY SAFETY FOR CHEMISTRY STUDENTS and locate the INTRODUCTORY level readings materials, which appear in each chapter.
- Our STUDY GUIDE may be also be helpful. Use the study questions at the end of each section to check yourself.
Students Entering CHEM 43A, CHEM 43AM or CHEM 100A
- Review the Laboratory Rules and our STUDY GUIDE.
- Review the INTRODUCTORY level readings material in each chapter of LABORATORY SAFETY FOR CHEMISTRY STUDENTS. Challenge your understanding with the study questions at the end of each section.
- The INTERMEDIATE level sections in LABORATORY SAFETY FOR CHEMISTRY STUDENTS (133pp) will be assigned during the quarter.
Students Entering Advanced CHEM Lab Courses
- There will be a Canvas course (and an exam) for each lab course.
- Advanced chemistry lab students will find LABORATORY SAFETY FOR CHEMISTRY STUDENTS a valuable resource for advanced topics not addressed in introductory courses.
- Review the Laboratory Rules and consider how they apply to new hazards you may not have encountered earlier.
- STUDY GUIDE: Student Preparation for CHEM Lab provides our Teaching Laboratory policies. It coordinates with LABORATORY SAFETY FOR CHEMISTRY STUDENTS.
- Other labs and other institutions have different rules and policies; always be sure to check a local source when you start in a new lab.
SAFETY REQUIREMENT: Students registered for a laboratory course in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCSD are required to demonstrate an understanding of general laboratory safety and familiarity with the CHEM Laboratory Rules prior to the first scheduled laboratory session. Students who DO NOT DEMONSTRATE an understanding of general laboratory safety as well as a familiarity with the CHEM Laboratory Rules by successfully passing the lab safety exam before the first scheduled lab session will be dropped from the course with a grade of "W".
A passing score of 95% or above on the LAB SAFETY EXAM fulfills the safety requirement.
- A safety exam in another department or at another institution DOES NOT fulfill this requirement.
- On-line new employee training DOES NOT fulfill this requirement.
- NO MAKE-UP TIME is planned for those who skip, ignore or forget the on-line exam. Mark your calendar.
The lab safety exams will be available on-line in Canvas for a least a week before the start of labs.Each student is responsible for accessing & passing the exam before the 1st scheduled lab session.
Waiting to study and then to find the exam has caused avoidable problems for many students. Study materials are provided on this page and are available to everyone. Study the resources here without delay and mark your calendar to take the exam. Do not wait until the last minute, as this causes unnecessary grief for everyone involved.
The on-line exams will appear in Canvas, the campus on-line curriculum system.Students who do not yet have a UC San Diego student account with Educational Technology Services need to register and establish an account before they can proceed to the exam. This process takes a full business day - plan accordingly.
From your list of Canvas courses, choose the LAB SAFETY TRAINING page associated with your course. For example, CHEM 7L students will see: 'CHEM 7L – LAB SAFETY TRAINING'
If you have any issues with the Lab Safety Exam or the Safety Training Materials please contact Mary Sever (, the Teaching Lab Manager for assistance.
Students who require any laboratory based accommodations for their Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry laboratory course (such as extra-lab time, specialized equipment or in lab assistance), should contact their course instructor as soon as possible to ensure that appropriate lab space and/or assistance can be arranged in advance of the first day of lab.
For FALL 2023
Exams will be available by Monday, September 25th, 2023
*The deadline to successfully pass the safety exam is the based on the 1st scheduled lab meeting for your section as listed in the Schedule of Classes.
For example: if your lab is scheduled for 9:00 am to 11:50 am on Mondays and Wednesdays - you must pass the safety exam no later than 8:59 am on Monday 10/2/2023.
We welcome students who are new to the CHEM Teaching Labs as
- recent transfers,
- returning students, or
- extension (concurrent enrollment) students.
All such students need to demonstrate an understanding of general laboratory safety and familiarity with the our Laboratory Rules. Our Rules may differ somewhat from what any previous training you have received, as different institutions frequently have different local rules.
TRANSFER or RETURNING. If you are enrolled in an CHEM lab course, follow the program outlined on this page. Passing the LAB SAFETY EXAM in Canvas fulfills the lab safety requirement for your course.
If you are entering our program in advanced status, check Canvas for the safety exam presented for your course. If you enroll in more than one CHEM lab course, take the exam for each one.
EXTENSION (CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT) Extension students requesting enrollment in a Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry laboratory course are expected to self-add the lab course associated "Chem XX - Lab Safety Training" Canvas site and successfully pass the safety exam in order to be considered for Departmental approval. Passing the lab safety exam does not guarantee Departmental approval for enrollment but Departmental approval will not be granted in the absence of passing score on the corresponding safety exam.
POST BACS. Students granted enrollment to a Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry lab course in advance of the start of the quarter are required to self-add the lab course associated "Chem XX - Lab Safety Training" Canvas site and take/pass the lab safety exam prior to the 1st scheduled lab session for your section. Once the quarter has started, post-bac students requesting to enroll in a lab course will need to successfully pass the safety exam in order to be considered for enrollment approval.
STUDY MATERIALS for LAB SAFETY: General Lab Safety & the CHEM Teaching Labs Rules
LAB AND LIFE SAFETY EXPECTATIONS: This document outlines some items you are EXPECTED TO KNOW BEFORE BEGINNING LAB. If your previous experience has not covered these topics, learn them now. Some basic RULES & TECHNIQUES that build on these expectations are included.
LABORATORY RULES include items specific to the CHEM Teaching Laboratories. They are available here and in each lab. Study the LABORATORY RULES to learn about
- shoes, clothing, & lab coats,
- safety eye protection (goggles and glasses)
- where & when to wear lab gloves
- moving hazardous materials between laboratories.
Other labs and other institutions have different rules and policies. Always be sure to look for local laboratory policies when you start in a new lab.
LABORATORY SAFETY FOR CHEMISTRY STUDENTS (by Robert H. Hill, Jr. & David Finster) is available to all students via the UC San Diego Libraries. This text is designed to carry a student through the years of a chemistry curriculum. Each chapter has introductory, intermediate and more advanced materials.
- CHEM 7L and 7LM will be introduced to the elements in the introductory material throughout the quarter.
- CHEM 43A, 43AM and 100A students are expected to recall (or review) the introductory materials and learn the intermediate materials.
STUDY GUIDE: Student Preparation for CHEM Lab provides our Teaching Laboratory policies. It coordinates with LABORATORY SAFETY FOR CHEMISTRY STUDENTS. Other labs and other institutions have different rules and policies, so always be sure to check a local source when you start in a new lab.
PRUDENT PRACTICES IN THE LABORATORY: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards is a professional-level guide to working safely in laboratories; available via the UC San Diego Libraries and on-line.
In your first lab meeting, your teaching assistant (TA) will introduce/review LAB SAFETY EQUIPMENT available in your lab. Each lab is different. Learn where each item is, how to use it and who is to use it:
- Exit doors (each lab has two, but the second may not be obvious)
- Emergency evacuation route
- Emergency assembly area (different for each building on campus)
- Chemical hoods
- Emergency shower & eyewash
- First aid kit
- Fire/emergency blanket
- Spill response kit
- Telephone (if any)
As you prepared for each lab exercise, notice the materials that are new to you and check their hazards and properties before you come into the lab. Your primary source of information is the SAFETY DATA SHEET (SDS) prepared by the manufacturer of the material. In lab, be sure to check bottle labels as well.
SAFETY DATA SHEETS (SDS) provide information about the composition and hazards of specific products. Make a table in your notebook to list:
- the materials you expect to use,
- their hazards and properties, plus
- the quantities you expect to need.
Use your table of materials as a quick reference while you work. SDS are produced by chemical manufacturers and are available through various sources.
- See the Environment, Health & Safety web pages for general lab safety information.
- Take a practice quiz (on general lab safety) available from the American Chemical Society and St. Olaf's College is based on the booklet SAFETY IN ACADEMIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORIES, 7th ed., (Vol. 1, Accident Prevention for College and University Students). Download the pdf in English, Spanish or Arabic.
- UC San Diego Library Research Guide on Chemical Safety Information has a wealth of links to useful guides, texts and videos.
If you learn best by watching video instruction, there are lots of sources. Check the Lab Safety Video tab in the Library Guide: Chemical Safety Information.
General Lab Safety:
From Environment Health & Safety and the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department:
Also see: Lab Safety Made Simple (7 minutes), a humorous look at safety violations and their consequences. Includes a chance to see how much water is delivered by a lab safety shower. Find the differences between their rules and ours - and the common mis-spelling of "goggles."
Chemical Hoods:
- See this EXCELLENT animated short: Chemical Fume Hood: How it Works to Protect You (about 8 min.). Available in English, French, Russian, Spanish and German.
- From UC Berkeley Environment Health & Safety: Proper Use of a Fume Hood.
GHS: Globally Harmonized System of Classification & Labeling of Chemicals
Napo in... danger: chemicals! (
Napo and his co-workers are involved in work with chemicals, including those that are irritants, flammable, corrosive, toxic or a danger to the environment. Short humorous sketches show how to prevent accidents by using safe working practices. The film draws attention to the importance of labeling chemical products, using the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). Part of large series of films produced for the Film Consortium, Via Storia & the European Agency for Safety & Health at Work (
Fire Blanket – The all-around safety tool:
Lab Techniques
from Environment Health & Safety and the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department:
- Flash Chromatography 101
- How to Handle Pyrophoric Reagents. Episode 1: Getting Ready
- How to Handle Pyrophoric Reagents. Episode 2: Transferring Pyrophoric Liquids
- How to Handle Pyrophoric Reagents. Episode 3: Working with Reactive Metals
University of Alberta has a library of basic techniques in various video formats: LABORATORY TECHNIQUES VIDEOS.
Ask for assistance or lab accommodations:
- Lab TAs and Instructors are your best resource for question directly related to your class.
- Teaching Laboratory Manager
Check your personal grade book (MY GRADES) in Canvas for exam scores. A passing score is 95% (rounded to the nearest whole number; e.g., 84.5 = 85%).
It is the responsibility of each student to check the exam score. Retake the the exam as many times as necessary during the time permitted. No extra time is allotted for those who miss/forget/skip the safety exam.
Safety exam scores may be used as part of a class grade (see your instructor's course syllabus). Exam scores will be available to each student after the exam.
For more information, contact the Teaching Laboratory Manager.
2014 Howard Fawcett Chemical Health and Safety Award
The Division of Chemical Health and Safety (CH&S) of the American Chemical Society recognized UC San Diego staff members with the Howard Fawcett Chemical Health and Safety Award:
- Sheila Kennedy (Safety Coordinator, CHEM Teaching Labs) and
- Joanna Boval (Director, Office for Students with Disabilities).
The annual Fawcett Award recognizes outstanding individual contributions to the field of Chemical Health and Safety. In 2014 CH&S recognized innovative solutions for assisting students with disabilities in the CHEM Teaching Labs.
2011 NIOSH Collegiate Safety Award
The Teaching Laboratories safety program of UC San Diego Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry was honored as the 2011 recipient of the NIOSH College and University Health and Safety Award. This award is given by the Division of Chemical Health and Safety (CH&S) of the American Chemical Society to recognize the most comprehensive laboratory safety programs in higher education at the undergraduate level. UC San Diego joins other distinguished colleges and universities that have received this award which was sponsored by the National Institutes of Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH).
SAFE at UC San Diego – Safety Award For Excellence
Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) recognizes employees who are making UC San Diego a SAFE place with the Ssafety Award For Eexcellence. Several members of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department (both faculty and staff) have received this award in recent years:
Dr. Haim Weizman, Professor, Safety Committee Chairman & producer of lab safety videos.
Sheila Kennedy, C.H.O., Safety Coordinator for the CHEM Teaching Labs (retired).
Dr. Murray Goodman, Professor, Health & Safety Coordinating Council Chairman.
Joseph Taulane, Goodman Lab, cited for support of the community and his lab, acting decisively to correct safety problems.
Dr. Jay Siegel, Professor, recognized for his proactive approach to hazard communication.
If you have questions about Lab Student Safety Education or our Lab Safety Exam, please carefully review these pages, as well as the Teaching Laboratory FAQs. We teach, coach & test more than a thousand students in the first week of each quarter, so it’s helpful if we don't hear from everyone at once. If you think we have missed something, though, please do send an email (To the Teaching Laboratory Manager, Mary Sever) & help us improve the process and the information.